Looking for ways to simplify your oral care routine while in orthodontic treatment and enhance your smile results at the end of your braces or Invisalign journey? Supermouth can be the perfect solution for you!
But what exactly is Supermouth? And how can it benefit your smile? Your Wilmington orthodontist in Porters Neck is here with a comprehensive guide to the world of Supermouth!
First, what is Supermouth?
Supermouth is the first dentist-invented oral health care system. It includes toothpaste, mouthwash, and other products aimed at keeping your teeth and gums in tip-top shape.
For those in braces treatment, maintaining your oral hygiene is even more critical as there’s more places for food particles and bacteria to collect and grow on your teeth and braces. Even Invisalign patients need to practice strong oral hygiene too, as bacteria can build up on your teeth and aligners! Supermouth is specially formulated to meet all the smile care needs of those in orthodontic treatment.
Benefits of Supermouth for Orthodontic Patients
1. Easy brushing
One of the biggest challenges when wearing braces is removing food particles and plaque. Supermouth offers toothbrushes based on age so they’re easy to hold and maneuver for proper brushing. Their specially designed brush heads and ultra-soft bristles conform to the contours of your teeth, effortlessly removing plaque and food debris from both your braces and the surfaces of your teeth—all while remaining gentle on your enamel!
2. Strengthens your teeth
During orthodontic treatment, it’s important to brush your teeth not only to keep them clean but to strengthen them too! When acids and sugars in the foods we eat sit too long on our teeth they create an acid that weakens the enamel of our teeth—the protective layer. Supermouth toothpaste helps strengthen enamel, which can be especially beneficial for those in orthodontic treatment as you’ll need to brush your teeth after every snack and meal.
3. Supports healthy gums
Healthy gums are the foundation of a beautiful smile! Supermouth mouthwash provides essential support for your gum health, helping to reduce gum inflammation and ensuring your gums stay strong throughout your orthodontic treatment. In fact, your gums may feel sore after your braces adjustments or starting a new Invisalign tray, and keeping them clean helps reduce this irritation.
4. Keeps your breath fresh
Wearing braces can sometimes make it a challenge to keep your breath fresh. Supermouth mouthwash offers a minty fresh finish to your oral care routine, keeping bad breath at bay!
Why Choose Supermouth Products During Orthodontic Treatment?
Supermouth is designed with ortho smiles in mind! As your orthodontist in Wilmington at Porters Neck, Dr. Matsumoto often recommends Supermouth to make caring for your teeth and gums simple and easy.
Here’s more reasons why Supermouth can be a great complement to your orthodontic treatment:
- Gentle yet effective ingredients. Supermouth products use a gentle yet powerful blend of Hydroxamin complex—nano-hydroxyapatite, vitamin D3, and vitamin K2—and light foaming agents (no SLS). This makes it ideal for those with sensitive teeth and gums, especially when starting braces or Invisalign treatment.
- Offers prebiotic support. Supermouth is enriched with the sweetener inulin and other prebiotics—studies show that inuline increases beneficial bacteria in your mouth (and gut) while reducing harmful ones.
- Microbiome-Friendly. Free from harsh ingredients like alcohol and essential oils, SuperMouth supports a balanced oral microbiome and pH-levels in your mouth.
- Less abrasive on your enamel. With a low Relative Dental Abrasivty (RDA) of 67, it offers effective cleaning without harming your tooth enamel.
- Safe and clean. Vegan, gluten-free, and free from artificial additives, SLS, and antibiotics.
Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene During Orthodontic Treatment
Maintaining proper oral hygiene is essential during orthodontic treatment, and using products like Supermouth toothpaste and mouthwash can make a world of difference! (Just remember to brush after every meal and snack and floss once a day.)
Keeping your ortho check-ups with your orthodontist in Porters Neck, Wilmington, and visiting your dentist for your dental cleaning twice a year is an important part of caring for your smile too!
Give your smile A+ care!
If you have any questions about what oral care products are best for you during your orthodontic treatment (and beyond), don’t hesitate to reach out to our orthodontist office in Wilmington at Porters Neck. Our team is here to help guide you on your journey to a healthier, more confident smile.
Not sure whether you’d benefit from orthodontic treatment? Request a complimentary consultation with Dr. Matsumoto, our Dual-Trained, Board-Certified periodontist and orthodontist in Porters Neck, Wilmington, NC!